Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is home truly where the heart is?

Well, I have reached my final destination and that statement alone equally elates and terrifies me. What will I do now? Where will I go? The possibilities are endless for me now and for some reason, having the world at my fingertips scares the daylights out of me. Maybe its the lack of sleep, the excessive smoking of cigarettes to curb the hunger pains that came to haunt me for twelve hours. Maybe I'm just nervous and mistaking it for fear. From what I've learned throughout my life, there is a fine line between the two... despite its pt. size, it's still there. The missing of my friends from what seems like a completely different life, is setting in. I feel as though I've experienced reincarnation first hand. I just didn't quite become the bird that so many people wish to be. I hatched, blossomed and slightly flew. Soaring was out of the question for me at the present time. I don't think I even know how to soar. I don't think that's something that can be taught... it has to be felt. Right now I feel nothing but the longing for my companions, from the previous life I longed to leave, for so long. Was I rushing? Was I really not ready for this? I just tricked myself into thinking I was?


I have to stop and think... no -- realize, that I'm grown. It's time to do things and live my life as I'm supposed to. But, sorry to burst the bubble for the rest of you machines who dare to call yourselves human beings, I will not run around talking robotics. I refuse to be like everyone else... getting up at six-thirty in the morning to be at work by seven fifty-five. Remember: If your early you're on time... on time, you're late. Thinking about the trivial things I went through this past year, makes me ridiculously sick. No walking on green grass. No wearing flipflops outside. No dressing the way you want to dress, because it gives you individuality. To them, you're nothing but a robot of soul destruction. A number. An identification card.

I regret nothing of what I've said and done. Without the previous mistakes I've made in my life, to have gotten me to that point... I wouldn't have met the wonderful people I had. Beautiful people. Intelligent people. The only worry I have is this -- being forgotten. I have this impeccible memory of the people I meet and the people I make friends with. No matter how long its been, how far away people get from me, no matter what they end up doing with their lives, I will always remember them. I never forget a face and a name. I always tend to care and miss people who have long forgotten about me. I hope, that for once in my life the good ones I've met, get to stay for a while...

1 comment:

  1. The last paragraph hit me because we are alike in so many ways. I won't forget you and you're one person I want to stay in touch with for years to come!
